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Your opinion matters!


Please, feel free to make any comments or suggestions! We'll be really pleased to read them and reply you.

 This web is very funny


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Helo mestres d'anglès, com podeu comprobar a mi això de l'anglès no se'm dona gens bé. Gràcies per aquesta pàgina tant interessant. Intentaré que en Mario i en Bruno m'ajudin a navegar per ella.

Joana Abril

Mama del Mario i del Bruno

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Hello Joana,


Estem encantades de que facis servir la web. Segur que t'ho passes d'allò més bé!

A més a més, a casa, el Mario i el Bruno et podran guiar perfectament :) 

Gràcies a tu per gaudir de la web amb els teus fills!

Mestres anglès

Mestres anglès

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 Hello Natalia and Anna, I like this web! Natalia can you put in the web this song? "Dear darling". I think like them


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Of course Claudia,


You already has it in our cicle superior songs section! :) 


I like it too! Enjoy it!



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Hola Natalia! Estic molt contenta perquè perfi he entrat al la web. M' encanta escoltar la música que has posat. També he pogut entrar en el joc del rellotje que ven jugar a classe i mo he passat molt bè. GRACIES PER LA WEB. mo passo molt bè!



5 B

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Moltes gràcies a tu, Jana! M'encanta que t'agradi. Continuarem posant-hi jocs i cançons perquè segueixis divertint-te!



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Hello Natalia,I'm very happy.This web is fantastic


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Hello! Awesome website, lots of fun stuff!


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Hello Julian!! It's a pleasure to have u here! Thank you for your work and enthusiasm!! 



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Hello Anna!

I like this web page very much because I can play different games and listen the songs or watch the photos. PLEASE do not let this site!!!! Byeee i nedd to go to doing homework and studying :D!


6è B

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Hello Natalia i play the games and listen old songs and they are fantastics. Natalia si em parmets et vuldria proposar una canso es titula SUPEGIRL. GRACIES.



5è B

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I play old the games they are fantastic. I love this web page. I'm very happy to have your of teacher. This page has a lot of visitants. Thank you.


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Hello Natalia, I'm happy. I'm in the web


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Hello Natalia Thank you for creating this web page. I love it. My mum and I are watching the blog now. Its fantastic.

Anna Lafarga

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The website is very cool. A question we put play us a song and we had to guess the missing word phrase is hanging on the web ? And what looked for all the games of the Superior Cycle and I went out .


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Hello everybody!!

Martina, the webpage is "Lyricstraining", you can find it in the "songs section". Have a look at the games section soon: I'll change it!


Glad to have all of you here!! :)



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Hello I am in the web page this is fantastic!!!!

David Palomeque

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Hello Natalia


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Natalia per fi he pogut entrar a la web


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No saps quina il·lusió em fa Ziad!!!! Enhorabona bonic!!!! Ara gaudeix amb els jocs, amb les cançons i amb les històries!




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M'encanta la web!!! És genial! Moltes felicitats a les mestres de Llengua Anglesa que feu possible difondre totes aquestes activitats i ens doneu l'oportunitat de conèixer què es fa al centre fent servir aquesta llengua. Jo, com estic a nivel Pepa Pig, ho escric en català... snif, snif!!


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 Parfi e pogut entrar, I'm very happy!

Pol Vidal

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Hola Anna i bloc!!! M'encanta el bloc, hi ha videos, etwining o algo aixi moltes coses. ara, cada dia entro aqui per veure els comentaris de la gent! (ara tens mes números al marcador de visitas! Bueno vaig a fer deures adeuu!!!


Fernández (6è B)

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Hi Anna, I realy like this blog because I can do a lot of things. I also can see photos of a lot of people


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Hola Natalia M'agrada molt aquesta web aixi pudre aprendre per els examans i puc escoltar müsica. Yuipi! :)



5è B

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Hello Concha!!

Thank you so much for your words :) Keep enjoying the webpage.

Jana: Thanks to you too. You already have your "supergirl" song. 

Hugs for you two!




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¡Bien! Mensaje recibido

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